Don Markušić, BA.,LLB.,LLM., University of Melbourne, is the only lawyer from a common law jurisdiction to be admitted to the Croatian Bar having practiced in Australia and the UK. The areas of legal practice of his law firm in Zagreb include property, company/corporate, probate, litigation and arbitration. A law reformer and legal pioneer, Don advises the Croatian and foreign governments on drafting legislation. Don serves or has served on the Parliamentary Committee for Croats Outside of Croatia, Parliamentary Legislative Committee, Government Anti-Discrimination Commission, Founder and President of ACAP Zagreb, ACAP USA Board Member, Vice President of Transparency International, President of the American Chamber of Commerce as well as a lecturer at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
My message to young people:
Just like Blessed Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac, you must keep fighting for your beliefs, even if it does not look like you will win because like Stepinac, your courage will inspire future generations. Keep fighting the good fight. Keep running the race. And, above all else, KEEP THE FAITH.
Don Markušić