Sucre is the capital of Bolivia, while La Paz is the seat of the government. The city was founded in the 16th century and is considered one of the most beautiful in Bolivia, where almost 400,000 inhabitants live at 2,810 meters above sea level, half of whom are Indians.
Of the Croats of whom today, together with their descendants, there are about 8,000 in Bolivia, the most numerous are the people from the island of Brač. Back in the 30s of the 20th century, Frano Drpić, Rudolf Martinić and Petar Janković had shops and hotels, among which Petar Jutronić’s “Londres” hotel was the most famous. At that time, Matulić & Martinić had a candy and chocolate factory.
Ivan Paško Šitić from Split, born in 1885, also lived in Sucre. On the occasion of his death in 1932, an article was published in the Split newspaper “Novo doba”.
Branka Bezić Filipović